Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Week 25

Ronde has tried to be in every picture since I started taking my weekly pregnancy pictures. He finally won the battle..lol. He might be in every picture from now on.
Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 25 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 13.5 lbs gained
Maternity Clothes: Bought a new tank top and black capri length leggings
Sleep: Good but waking up with bloody noses is annoying
Best Moment this week: I bought a lot of things for Jamal like bottles, paci's, burp cloths, sleep positioner, baby blankets..etc...
Gender: It's a boy!! Jamal DeMarcus
Movement: Jamal has been getting stronger. His kicks have been pretty hard lately.
Food Craving: Coffee and chocolate.
What Are You Looking Forward To: 3D/4D ultrasound that I scheduled for June 23rd and Andre is coming home this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
How Big is Baby: He is just under 2lbs and 14 inches long and can respond to noises from outside.
Symptoms: Bloody noses and mood swings :(

1 comment:

  1. Wish I looked that great when I was pregnant!! :) I'm glad it's going well. Have a great weekend with your hubby and the boys!
