On our way home from the playground, we saw a fire on the rail roads by my house. Andre had to make his first 911 phone call to report it. It was a little scary because the fire was right next to a residential neighborhood. Andre actually ended up driving back by, after he dropped us off at home, just to see if the fire department was there yet. They were and the fire was already put out.
Our lease is up at these apartments and we are still on the wait list for base housing. We could have signed another 6 month lease here but it's just an awful neighborhood. We will be moving to a different city that has a way better school system and less crime.

Our power went out and AJ started apologizing saying "I'm sorry mommy. It's because I was wasting electricity." Just the cutest thing I've ever heard!! Of coarse I told him it wasn't his fault.
Cute pictures! I can still not believe you guys just saw a random fire!