Jamal eats baby food now! About a half a jar of Stage 1 at each feeding (2X a day)
Has tried carrots and applesauce mixed with cereal
Still drinks 5 ounce bottles every 3 hours
Wears a size 3 diaper
Wearing size 3-6 months and 6-9 month clothing. He is definitely going to out grow his 3-6 months clothes fast!
Sits up in his bumbo
Reaches for toys
Loves kisses and when mommy "eats" his toes
Takes 2 naps a day
Sleeps through the night!!
Goes to bed between 7:30-8pm and wakes up between 7:30-8am (just started this a couple days ago so I hope I didn't just jinx myself)
Doesn't like when the boys touch him or his face!
Has met Santa for the first time
Had his first Christmas
Doesn't like his playmat so much (hoping to get him an exersaucer soon!)
I can now hold him on my hip instead of carrying him like a baby (which I still do anyways)
Loves bathtime and the water
Still can't hold a Nuk pacifier in his mouth (might try out a new one)
Beginning to try and hold his own bottle (daddy has been working on that one..ha!)
Loves when daddy holds him up in the air (he laughs so much)
And his hair is starting to curl!
Jamal has his 4 month well baby check up on Monday so I will know his weight and length then.
What a blessing he is. Such a GOOD baby!! So easy going and is never fussy. I can't wait till he starts rolling around and scooting. Maybe those will be new milestones for next month!