Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jamal Jaxon

Jamal Jaxon was born August 31, 2010 at 6:47pm. He was 7lbs 9.4oz (Just like Ronde) 21 inches long.

They started the induction the next morning at 7am. After hours of contractions I only dilated 1 more cm which put me at 3cm dilated. Not much progress was happening. My doctor came in and checked my cervix and broke my water to get things moving along. Once they broke my water, the contractions started to hurt. I got an epidural and started to feel much better. The epidural stopped working after 2 hours and the contractions became extremely painful. The nurse kept putting the oxygen mask on me which I thought was weird because I didn't think I needed it but I didn't say anything. I asked the nurses to check my cervix and I was dilated to 7cm. They checked again shortly after and I was dilated to 9cm. My nurse then called my doctor to come to the hospital which was a 20 minute drive for him plus he had to find parking! I didn't know how I was going to keep this child inside of me for that Once the doctor arrived they said I could push. I could feel everything! I've never experienced so much pain while delivering a baby before. Usually the epidural works and I don't feel a thing.

After one push, the babies head was out but the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. (This is why my nurse kept giving me oxygen because she said she had a feeling that the cord was wrapped around his neck while I was in labor) The doctor cut the cord before I pushed again. Once he cut the cord, I pushed one more time and Jamal was born!! I was crying in pain and crying because I was so happy he was finally here!

He is so perfect. He has blueish grey eyes and light blondish brown hair. I think he looks a lot like AJ. He is doing well with breastfeeding and sleeps a lot! Now I'm just trying to adjust to my new body..ha!


  1. i have been reading for a while but yet to comment,
    so i thought now is the perfect time to do so.
    congratulations on another beautiful baby boy:)
    he is so precious.

  2. Congratulations on a safe delivery and a beautiful baby boy!!! I am so excited for you and your family!
