Andre got off work at noon today and it was nice and cloudy. Perfect temperature for a middle of the day walk. Andre always likes going for walks when the sun is setting but I refuse to waste such a pretty day. So off to the park we went, stopping at McDonalds first for our usual sugar free vanilla iced coffees, large fries, medium cup of water, and 2 apple pies. (This habit is getting expensive!)
It was the perfect time to go to the park. Everyone was at work or in school so it was very peaceful out there. All the geese lined the creek.

This is before he fell asleep 2 minutes later..

My boys are obsessed with toy guns, they bring them everywhere..

The safest place in the daddy's arms..

AJ's shoe flew off when coming down the slide so fast..

I was trying to teach AJ to swing. "Swing your legs back and forth"..

Peek a Boo...

Andre took this picture of Jamal and I..

A guy sitting in the park carving wood and turning them into these beautiful necklaces, that he hung on the trees to sell.

I must add..Today, AJ was taking pictures of his brother's with my iPhone. He came to show me the pictures and then said "Mommy, I have to send these pictures to all my Grandma's". I thought it was the sweetest thing.