Since we were so sick these past 2 weeks, I never got around to posting Jamal's 7 month old post. He will be 8 months soon! So I decided to share some iPhone pictures I've taken of Jamal over the past month. He is such a ham! I love him dearly. I always have my phone handy so sometimes it's the first thing I grab to take pictures of Jamal. So what has he been up to these days?...
Eats 6-8 ounce bottles
Wears size 3 and sometimes size 4 diapers
Weighs 20.3 lbs
Wears size 12-18 month clothes. I still can't believe it!
Still sleeps through the night
Eats yo baby yogurts
Drinks juice
Officially on table foods.
Hates eating baby foods..he'll whine and cry the whole time
I feed him soft fruits, veggies, whole grain bread, rice, cheerios, and mashed potatoes
He just learned how to clap. So exciting!!
He wants to get into everything including the baby wipes. He tries to pull them out of the package.
Obsessed with my gold necklace that I wear everyday.
Still not crawling but he can hold his whole upper body up with his arms.
Sits and rolls like a pro
Still sleeping through the night and takes 2 naps a day
Twirls his hands and feet just like AJ did when he was a baby
No teeth yet
I love when I pick him up out of his crib after naps..he grabs onto me like a panda bear and holds me so tight.
He makes the funniest little will see from the pictures below
I think I covered everything but I usually end up forgetting something. He is so amazing and we love him so much!