He drinks 6 ounce bottles
3 jars of baby food a day
He eats Gerber star puffs and mum mum rusk crackers
He has also tried real green beans and mashed potatoes
Jamal still sleeps through the night
Takes 2 naps a day
Loves playing with all his new toys!
He can sit up unassisted for a little while but we also use the boppy pillow to give him extra support
He can roll with a little help
Jamal scoots around his crib. He's never facing the same direction as when we put him down for bed.
He loves to be outside and sits quietly in his stroller.
He can now hold a pacifier in his mouth
He can say "mama" but only when he's crying for a bottle
Jamal makes the cutest little clucking noise.
and he loves the attention he gets from his brothers

Tomorrow is Ronde's 3rd Birthday. Well he is actually born on a leap year so his birthday is February 29th. But since he officially turns 3 years old on March 1st this year, that's when we will celebrate it. So I will have a bunch of updates soon!