Wow, 5 months sounds so old!! ha! Before I know it, I'll be planning your 1rst Birthday. I wish time would slow down just a little bit! So at 5 months old, what have you been up to?
You are still a great sleeper. You did wake up one night but mean old mommy made you cry it out and you fell right back to sleep.
I don't know how much you weigh but I would guess 17 lbs.
You are eating about 2 jars of stage 1 baby food a day. (1 veggie and 1 fruit)
Still drink 6 ounce bottles
You've tried apple juice
Wearing a size 3 diaper
Wearing clothes size 3-6 months and 6-9 months
You love playing with your feet and I think it's the cutest thing ever
You also stick your tongue out all the time and it always puts a huge smile on my face
You love your playmat now and reaching to touch all the toys
We still haven't seen you roll but mommy and daddy practice with you by putting a blanket on the floor and we roll you around..ha! You think it's fun :)
You always touch our faces
And you can now hold your own bottle 75% of the time.
You can also scoot your body around while laying on your back by using your legs