Jamal is 3 months old today!
Still wearing a size 2 diaper
We moved you up to size 3-6 months clothes
You drink about 5 ounces every 3 hours
I would guess that you are around 14lbs..you won't have another doctors appointment until you are 4 months old.
Most nights you sleep 10 hours straight except for the last couple of days.
You are chewing on your hands now..I'm starting to wonder if you will be getting your first tooth soon.
You've had a taste of cream of wheat and banana pudding
You love cooing really loud..I love hearing it!
You've laughed a couple times before but today you laughed really hard after you sneezed while sitting in my lap. It was the cutest thing ever!
You sleep in your crib now.
You reach for toys on your play mat.
You still can't hold a pacifier in your mouth.
Since it's been so cold, we keep you in your warm jammies most the time.
You love bath time and always smile when I'm rinsing you off.
We love you so much!!