We left for the hospital and arrived at 9:10am.Here is my last belly picture... 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

(Oh my!! Look at that hormone stripe! LOL I can't wait for that to go away!)
The nurses got my hooked up to the IV pretty fast and started the pitocin. I started having contractions every 2 - 3 minutes. They gradually started to hurt but nothing I couldn't handle. After hours, I only dilated to 2cm and the contractions stopped hurting. They took me off the pitocin and decided to let me rest, get something to eat, and would try again in the morning. What a bummer!!!
They will start again at 7am tomorrow August 31, 2010. I really hope it works out tomorrow. The doctor seems pretty confident so we will see. My boys are staying with my mom. I really miss them and can't wait to see them tomorrow.