Today Ronde had his 18 month old check up. He had to get 2 shots. Thank goodness Andre took him to the doctors while I stayed at home with AJ. It always makes me sad to watch them get shots. I asked Andre if he would take my camera with him to take pictures for my blog. He said no =( lol I figured he wouldn't be into that. Here is his latest weight and height! Height=32.75 inches and weight=23.4lbs

We had Early Intervention come to our house a couple times to enroll and evaluate Ronde. Ronde's doctor recommended it for Ronde's speech. He has always been pretty quiet and never said "words". AJ was in the Early Intervention program for speech and eating. AJ would never eat anything!!! The pickiest eater I have ever laid eyes on. He was also on baby food till he was 18 months old!! Just unbelievable what I had to go through with him. So Ronde had his first official home visit to actually begin working with his speech and the lady told me that she didn't think he needed it any more. I was thinking the same thing! Within the last 2 weeks, Ronde is mimicking almost everything we say. He is talking way more than AJ was at this age. He has said things like "good morning", "haircut", "pants on", "bye bye daddy" and a lot more! I'm very happy and relieved that I don't have to go through this program again!

What a cute smile!! I love my boys!!