PINK EYE! Yesterday we had a water play date with the neighborhood kids. I baked a cake, and made pasta salad, ranch chicken ball dip and crackers, bbq beans, and pigs in a blanket. The kids got to run around in the sprinkler and pool. I wanted AJ to play with his good friends Junior and Kieth before the move on Saturday. Maybe that wasn't the best idea since they just got over pink eye themselves. I had a hard time going to sleep last night because I felt so itchy! I hope I don't get pink eye. Andre made a deal, I take care of AJ and he'll take care of Ronde..lol. I scheduled an emergency doctors visit for 12:20pm. Hopefully we can get rid of it quickly. Poor AJ! He keeps giving me hugs and I just don't have the heart to tell him no in possibility that I could catch it myself.
Below are the pictures of the animals that I will crop, print, and frame for AJ's bedroom along with a few from above...